Moon Dream Cavaliers
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Moon Dream Cavaliers
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Casanova - Reserved
Casanova is a gorgeous tri color male from the litter born to Dreama x Zeke on February 4th, 2025. Casanova was born ready! Ready for what? He isn't sure yet, but he is ready! This squiggly wiggly boy is often on the move, curious about the world around him. As long as it's what's immediatly around him and not too far from his siblings. When he isn't exploring his surroundings, he is always cuddled up to his littermates or his Mama. Casanova has such beautiful markings on his adorable little face. He is going to grow into one handsome boy. Casanova is currently weighing in at 1.16 lbs, making him smaller than brother Arrow, but just bigger than sister Seraphine. We can't wait to see what this spunky little guy has in store for us.
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